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2021 travels

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Season 2 of '2020' picked up exactly where the first series ended...In lockdown, with soaring (no-longer-so-novel) coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths. Global virus cases were in the range of 87 million, with just shy of 1.9 million worldwide deaths.

BUT, the race was on! There were vaccines in one lane and the virus in the other (which had picked up some speed because of the ways it had mutated). Spectators from all over the world tuned in, from their home offices and living rooms, to watch this rollercoaster of an event, and to see just how long it would take for the vaccinations to triumph.


I was desperate to dust off my green shoes and return to globetrotting, but reluctant to book anything until the confusion and uncertainty around new restrictions, travel corridors, fluctuating borders, isolations, paperwork, tests, vaccinations and quarantine hotels subsided. So I stayed home as much as humanly possible, wore a mask when I did venture out, scrolled Kayak, dreamt of distant lands and waited (not so patiently), with my sleeve rolled up, for my inoculations. I had never looked forward to a sore arm and potential side effects so much!

Alert Level 5, Week 1 (3rd January): Monday was both my first day back at work, after the long holiday break, and the day that all of England went into Alert Level 5 (national lockdown 3.0). On the vaccine front, the first person in the world (who happened to be in the UK) got the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab, Buckingham Palace confirmed that the Queen (94) had received her first COVID-19 shot and Moderna (the third vaccine in the UK) was approved by the UK medicines regulator, which was yet another weapon in the arsenal to win the competition against COVID. Meanwhile, across the pond, fervent Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol and Jake Angeli got his 15-minutes of fame, as the (painted) face of the siege. After the blood and broken glass was cleaned up, Congress reconvened to certify Biden's victory, allowing us all to watch Donald lose the 2020 Presidential election for the 112th time. In an effort to stop Trump from inciting any further violence via online rhetoric, he was unceremoniously banned from all social media platforms, indefinitely.

Alert Level 5, Week 2 (10th January): Evidence of a negative COVID test result became a requirement for all people entering the UK by plane, train or ferry. Hospitals in London were nearly at capacity and NHS staff were stretched to the max, putting COVID as the frontrunner in the relay. But, competition was heating up as seven mass vaccination centers began administering shots, 12-hours per day. The goal was to jab our way out of lockdown by vaccinating 13.9 million of the population's most vulnerable by mid-February. All other adults in England were intended to be offered their first injection by autumn. For the second time, in his one-term presidency, Mr. Trump was impeached, for inciting insurrection against the very country and Constitution he took an oath to defend.

Alert Level 5, Week 3 (17th January): On 20th January, my nephew turned seven, I celebrated my ten-year work anniversary, Trump was dethroned (after he doled out 143 pardons), Kamala Harris was sworn in as the USA’s first female Vice President and Joe Biden took office as the 46th US President! In preparation for its new residents, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was fumigated and Trump's on-demand Diet Coke button was removed from the Oval Office. Whether Biden's Peloton would be permitted to enter the White House became a hot topic. In the absence of Trump's Tweets, the internet, instead, celebrated Senator Bernie Sanders' patchwork mittens and commitment to social distancing, with a barrage of memes.

Alert Level 5, Week 4 (24th January): Major hedge funds bet billions of dollars that GameStop's shares would fall. Playing Wall Street at its own game, amateur investors, who swapped tips on social media, catapulted the share price by more than 700%. The UK became the first European country to officially record more than 100,000 coronavirus deaths and the fifth nation in the world to hit that six figure mark (following in USA, Brazil, India and Mexico's footsteps).


After 365 days of January, it was nice to move on to a new month!

Alert Level 5, Week 5 (31st January): The UK surpassed the 10 million administered injections milestone. 40 million vials of (not-yet-approved) Valneva, were purchased, bringing the UK's various vaccine doses total to 407m (more than enough for the ~52m adult population). For all its failures and misjudgements in controlling the spread of the virus, testing and tracing, preventing deaths and protecting the economy, the British government was doing a bang up job with its vaccine program, especially in comparison to its EU neighbors. Flags flew at half-mast in honor of Captain Sir Tom Moore, who passed away at 100-years-old, after a battle with coronavirus. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, and one of the world's richest men, coincidentally stepped down from his CEO position at the same time as the US Federal trade Commission announced it would fine his company $61.7m. Pennsylvania's most famous groundhog emerged from his burrow and saw his shadow, indicating six more weeks of winter. Groundhog Day served as another reminder, to all of us living in Britain, just how suffocating and oppressively familiar lockdown had become.

Alert Level 5, Week 6 (7th February): Super Bowl LV had the smallest attendance in its 55-year history - just shy of 25,000 spectators. 7,500 of them were healthcare workers (having already received both doses of the vaccine), whom the NFL gifted tickets, to thank them for their work on the frontlines. The second impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump began in the Senate on 9th Feb, almost exactly a year after his first.

Alert Level 5, Week 7 (14th February): After only five days of debates, Donald Trump was acquitted in impeachment trial #2. In the UK, it took ten weeks to get the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination injected into more than 15.5 million people's arms. The success of the UK’s vaccination programme was starting to be felt, with decreasing numbers of deaths among the country’s oldest and most vulnerable. In an attempt to minimize foreign coronavirus variants from entering England, tighter (more confusing and expensive) border controls were put into place. All international arrivals were already required to complete a passenger locator form (48-hours pre-flight), produce a negative COVID test (3-days pre-flight) and self-isolate for 10 days upon arrival. But, as of 15th February, negative tests on days two and eight of quarantine, were also introduced. If any tests came back positive, isolation had to continue for an additional 10 days. Only UK nationals and residents were permitted to arrive from any of the 'red listed' countries. Travelers arriving from these high-risk countries had to quarantine in government designated hotels (arrangements to be made in advance), at a cost of £1,750 per passenger. The punishments that were implemented for people who were not truthful and/or did not comply with these new rules ranged from hefty fines to a 10-years prison sentence. Below is a flowchart, for clarity.

Alert Level 5, Week 8 (21st February): Yet another weekend passed, in an endless loop spent on the sofa, mainlining cheese, wine and Netflix, whilst daydreaming of a time with no more sanitizing, distancing nor COVID worries. There was some hope though, as Boris Johnson announced a four-step roadmap out of lockdown, aiming to have the country fully unlocked by 21st June (the 60-plus page document has been visually summed up quite succinctly for you in the graph below). Over 20 million people in the UK were starting to receive protection from this dreadful disease (~38% of the adult population), including my boyfriend who got injected with his first shot of AstraZeneca! Data revealed that the odds were shifting in the vaccine's favor as UK hospitalizations and infections decreased by more than three quarters.


As we entered March, winter, which had felt like it would never end, seemed to have finally loosened its grip a little. Cherry blossoms started to bloom, days were lighter for longer, temperatures increased slightly, and we even saw a bit of sunshine.

Alert Level 5, Week 9 (28th February): Mystery flights were launched in Australia, which demonstrated just how desperate travellers were to hit the friendly skies again. Portugal, Greece and Cyprus announced that they'd welcome vaccinated British holidaymakers into their countries this summer. Worldwide COVID cases were at 118 million, with 2.62 million deaths. A 33-year-old woman, Sarah Everard, disappeared in London whilst walking home. About a week later she was found dead. This case sent shockwaves across the UK as a police officer was charged with her kidnapping and murder. The incident also spurred a national conversation about violence against women.

Alert Level 5, Week 10 (7th March): The highly-anticipated Oprah with Meghan and Harry: A CBS Primetime Special broadcasted this week with lots of drama dished up. Step 1A of the great British unlocking went into effect - Two people were permitted to sit together outdoors (for a drink or picnic) and kids returned to school (in-person). Foreign travel from the UK was already banned, apart from in exceptional cases, but beginning this week, international travellers departing from England were required to complete a form, declaring the reason they needed to travel abroad, or risk a £200 fine.

Alert Level 5, Week 11 (14th March): No one knew how the pandemic would unfurl exactly and few, if any, back in March 2020, believed that the world would still be in and out of lockdowns a year on, but here we were. I decided to commemorate my quarantinaversary by re-reading my 2020 quarantine chronicles post. In March 2020, I had noted that 'downloads for apps like Houseparty and Zoom spiked as people virtually connected with friends/family members and work video chats soared in volume.' One year later, it seemed to me that nobody really wanted to talk anymore. Messages seemed briefer and personal Zoom chats were perpetually on hold. As a caged society, we had nothing left to chat about and were tired of saying 'I miss you' and 'I can't wait for this to end'. On Saturday, 20th March a record-breaking amount of vaccine doses were administered in the UK, with 844,285 arms injected, including Boris Johnson's.

Alert Level 5, Week 12 (21st March): Almost 450 million doses of various coronavirus vaccines had been dispensed, in more than 135 countries worldwide. Over 30 million of those were in Britain (more than half the UK's adult population). After a week of the European Union threatening to block exports of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab to the UK because current supply arrangements were slowing down its own vaccine rollout, the EU and UK issued a joint statement in which both sides pledged to play nice. In a creative attempt to service those passengers missing travel, whilst recouping revenue from lack of airline travel, British Airways started offering the opportunity to 'enjoy' airplane food from the comfort of one's own home.

Alert Level 5, Week 13 (28th March): On 29th March step 1B of the UK lockdown ease was enacted. The government message shifted from 'Stay Home' to 'Stay Local'. Outdoor meet-ups (within the 'rule of six') resumed and outdoor sports facilities reopened. The night of 29th March, I received a text message from my GP indicating that I was due for my COVID vaccinations. I called my doctor's office the next morning and was able to book my first and second jabs for 12th April and 21st June, respectively. 30th March was the warmest March day on record in the UK in 53 years, which seemed to raise everyone's spirits.


So far, the UK was still on track to open the economy and society per the roadmap laid out in February, but an anticipated reduction in vaccination supply this month threatened to potentially set things back. However, the UK government remained confident that all adults would still be offered their first jab by autumn.

Alert Level 5, Week 14 (4th April): The UK began the rollout of its third coronavirus vaccine, Moderna, which was intended to be administered to those under the age of 30, amid increasing theoretical reports of links between AstraZeneca and blood clots in young adults. England began trialling ethically controversial COVID passports. Divisiveness and discrimination aside, if the vaccine passport scheme turned out anything like the widely-criticized test and trace system, by the time it was finally introduced, it would be pointless and disastrous waste of time and money. Everyone in England, from 9th April, was given access to two rapid coronavirus tests per week, to help stop outbreaks as lockdown began to lift. The Queen's beloved husband, Prince Philip, died at 99 years old.

Lockdown Ease, Week 1 (11th April): 12th April was my happiest 2021 Monday to date! Not only was it the day I got my first dose of AstraZeneca and a haircut (after 9 months); it was also stage two of the UK lockdown lift, moving us another step closer to some level of normality. Snow showers and freezing cold temperatures did little to dampen enthusiasm for al fresco pints, nor early-morning queuing for reopened shops and salons. Life without bars had felt like life behind bars. Although domestically things were opening, internationally, things were tightening. As the 3rd wave of the virus was making its mark on the rest of Europe, a £5,000 penalty came into force as part of the new coronavirus laws, for anyone attempting to leave the UK to take a holiday.

Lockdown Ease, Week 2 (18th April): At the start of the week, over 33 million UK residents had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (~64% of the adult population) and more than 19% of English adults were fully vaccinated. After weeks of waiting for the trial to unfold and the final 10 hours of jury deliberations, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of all charges in the murder of George Floyd. This monumental verdict served as a significant first step in the fight against racial police brutality in the US.

Lockdown Ease, Week 3 (25th April): An estimated 91.5% of people aged 45+ in England had received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The UK government had secured another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, to use as booster jabs, to protect the country's progress in the colder months. In the UK, the vaccine was making real strides in its race against COVID.


I craved an escape but was still too hesitant to book anything abroad. Luckily, some London venues had created urban oases that felt like you'd been transported to a tropical/foreign land.

Lockdown Ease, Week 4 (2nd May): According to the Office for National Statistics, fewer than one in 1,000 people in the UK had coronavirus (0.09% of the population). It was announced that beginning 17th May, the ban on leisure travel would be lifted and replaced with a traffic light system, with countries rated green, amber or red, based on their number of COVID cases and the success of their vaccine rollout. England revealed the 12 countries on its initial 'green list' (which would be reviewed every three weeks). Just because a country was on the UK's green list though, did not mean that travel authorization was reciprocated, and in most cases it wasn't.

Lockdown Ease, Week 5 (9th May): England reported zero new coronavirus deaths for the first time in 14 months! The COVID variant causing the current deadly surge in India was elevated from a 'variant of interest' to a 'variant of global concern' by the World Health Organization. It had only been one month since we were all allowed out again and people already seemed to be suffering from social exhaustion. After such a long period of lockdown, we had become unaccustomed to our calendars being filled up with brunches, meals out, pub gardens, shopping and socializing.

Lockdown Ease, Week 6 (16th May): This week, we entered the penultimate lap of the race against COVID (AKA stage three in the relaxation of lockdown restrictions). Social contact rules were reduced further, and indoor hospitality resumed for the first time since December 2020. International leisure travel also became legal again, but UK border force was deeply concerned about being able to cope with large quantities of travellers and all the additional COVID checks that had been implemented. Passengers were warned that they might have to endure airport queues and wait times longer than normal.

Lockdown Ease, Week 7 (23rd May): I was one of the millions of people who took a walk down memory lane with the cast from 'Friends: The Reunion'. British regulators authorized the use of the single-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, which brought the number of vaccines in the UK's armory to four. The spread of the Indian COVID variant caused concerns around whether or not the final milestone in England's roadmap for ending lockdown, when all legal limits on social contact were due to be lifted, would move forward.


Halfway through the year, global coronavirus cases had passed the 171 million mark, nearly double from where we were at the beginning of the year. There were an additional 1.7 million deaths as well, now totalling 3.6 million across the globe. It was apparent that nobody would really be protected from this virus until everyone was. Also, I had only taken (an unprecedented) one day off work in first six months of 2021.

Lockdown Ease, Week 8 (30th May): The first review of the UK's traffic light system for traveling abroad took place this week. No new countries were added to the green list, Portugal (the only mainstream holiday quarantine-free country) was downgraded to amber and seven new countries were made red. Only two destinations remained on the green list that could be visited from the UK, without quarantining on either end: Gibraltar and Iceland (although the latter required that visitors provided proof they had received their second vaccination at least two weeks prior).

Lockdown Ease, Week 9 (6th June): The week started off by the sea, in Hastings, UK, with three girlfriends. We had amazing weather and whole lot of serious belly laughs!

Lockdown Ease, Week 10 (13th June): As speculated, concerns around the spread of the Delta variant (first identified in India, then dominant in the UK), led to a delay in ending lockdown restrictions (initially planned for 21st June). The government didn't want to squander all the progress it made in tackling the virus, so 'Freedom Day' was delayed. In an effort to outpace the Delta strain, all over-18's became eligible for their first vaccination. I knew there was pressure from the airlines to get transatlantic routes re-opened, and, following Boris Johnson and Joe Biden's meeting at the G7 summit, I took a risk and booked a flight back to the US in August/September. I felt confident that the restrictions would be eased and I wanted to secure my flight before prices massively inflated.

Lockdown Ease, Week 11 (20th June): I'M INVINCIBLE! Okay, maybe not, but 70 days after my first, I was injected with my second dose of AstraZeneca. I was now immunized against Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Influenza, Human Papillomavirus, Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever, Typhoid and COVID. The UK's second traffic light review took place this week, adding Malta, Madeira, the Balearic Islands and a swathe of Caribbean islands to the quarantine-free travel register (although most that were added remained inaccessible to people in Britain). A 'green watchlist' was also introduced, to keep a close eye on green countries at risk of being relegated to amber. Adults in England were being urged to 'grab a jab' at hundreds of walk-in vaccination centers and pop-up clinics this weekend, without appointments. With more than 63 million jabs already delivered by the NHS, we were in the final stretch to the finish line.

Lockdown Ease, Week 12 (27th June): Britain's health minister, Matt Hancock resigned over a breach of coronavirus distancing restrictions that he himself had implemented, after photos and a video emerged of him kissing an aide in his office. My weekend was spent in Lake District, UK. Although it was mostly gloomy and soggy, it was a beautiful and peaceful place. Highlights included having a reason to dust off my tiny green shoes, the Lake Windermere boat cruise and dinner at Holbeck Ghyll!


July brought with it the hope that the success of the vaccine program would lead to the end of COVID restrictions. To date, 86% of UK adults had received their first injection and 64% were fully vaccinated. Data from Public Health England showed that two doses of the vaccines offered 79% protection against becoming ill from the Delta variant and reduced the likelihood of needing hospitalization by 96%. Despite this incredible achievement, the UK continued to fall behind the US and the EU with its cautious approach towards international travel.

Lockdown Ease, Week 13 (4th July): Two weeks after my second jab, I had built up the maximum possible protection against COVID and therefore had earned my NHS COVID Pass. I got to put the Pass to use immediately, at Wimbledon. It wasn't at full capacity the day I went, but being in a crowd felt both weird and familiar, at the same time. In a baffling move, the Kremlin ruled that only sparkling wine produced in Russia could be sold as 'Champagne'. French suppliers were taken aback by a new law, approved by President Putin, that meant French fizz would now have to be sold as 'sparkling wine'. British Airways and Virgin Atlantic started trialling fast-track lanes at Heathrow airport, for fully-vaccinated arrivals, on certain flight patterns. At the weekend, to get away for a few days, I ventured to Tenby, an adorable and colorful Welsh seaside town, with the friendliest people!

Lockdown Ease, Week 14 (11th July): More than 60,000 fans attended Wembley Stadium on Sunday night, to watch Italy defeat England, in penalties, at the Euro 2020 final. This was the first major final the England men’s team had reached since their World Cup triumph in 1966. Although football wasn't coming home, there was a good chance COVID was. A leading virus modeler predicted that the semi-final and final of the Euros would lead to an extra million cases of COVID-19 in the UK.

FREEDOM WEEK (18th July): After 2021's fourteen weeks of full lockdown, and a subsequent fourteen weeks of lockdown easing, all coronavirus restrictions were lifted on Monday 19th July, despite surging COVID cases. Legal limits on social contact were removed and all final sectors of the economy were reopened. Also, citizens/residents fully vaxxed under the UK vaccination program, returning from an 'amber' country, were no longer required to quarantine for 10-days. The term 'pingdemic' was coined as a record number of people (over 615,000 in England and Wales) were 'pinged' by the NHS app and instructed to self-isolate after coming into contact with a positive coronavirus case. Meanwhile, Israel was the first country offering at-risk individuals a third COVID booster shot. On July 23rd, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics went ahead, despite widespread public opposition and spiking cases in Japan. The opening ceremony was devoid of fans and low on athletes. Sponsors distanced themselves from the games. I re-treated myself to the gift of sight, nearly 15-years later, with LASEK eye surgery.

People seemed awash with conflicting feelings as they grappled with the swings and mixed signals of threats, shifting public health policies and uncertain social behaviors. It turned out that emerging from a pandemic wasn't as easy as we all hoped.


The business of global travel had become a tangled mess that needed unravelling. International restrictions were ever-changing and there were significant differences between countries on what vaccines were validated, how to provide proof of vaccination, what forms needed to be completed and the rules around testing and quarantining, which caused tremendous confusion. A common approach, with standardized rules for vaccine authorization, COVID travel passes and testing regimes, was desperately called for.

I hadn't travelled, by air, in 330 days, so I had a lot of uncertainty around vaccines, testing requirements and necessary forms/documents. This handy dandy tool proved useful though.

In preparation for my trip, I booked a 'fit to fly' (£135) test, two-days prior to my flight. The results were emailed to me the next day. I ordered a rapid antigen self-test kit (£29) to take with me to the US, to be used as a pre-departure test, three-days prior to coming back to the UK. I also ordered a day-2 PCR test (£49), to take after I returned to London.

After all the admin and expenditure, I headed off to San Diego for a week filled with relaxation, catching up with friends and eating all my favorite SoCal foods. I desperately needed a recharge as I hadn't taken a full week's vacation in eighteen months.


My three-week USA tour continued into early September, as I moved east from Southern California to Newington, Connecticut and then north, to Boston, Massachusetts.

As of 19th July 2021, fully dosed Britons/UK residents returning from amber list countries needed the following to return to England:

  • A negative pre-departure COVID test (three-days prior to flying)

  • Proof of full vaccination (at least 14-days after second dose)

  • A completed passenger locator form (to be submitted no more than 48-hours before arriving into the UK). This form required a code to be included for a day-2 test (which needed to be ordered in advance)

Since the US was still on the UK's amber list, I took my rapid antigen self-test three-days before flying and electronically received a negative lab result, within a few hours. I already had my unique identification number, via email, for my Day 2 PCR test, so I could complete my PLF (Passenger Locator Form). I uploaded the QR code for my negative test result, proof of vaccinations and confirmation of my passenger locator form into to my VeriFLY app. After about an hour, VeriFly approved my checklist of items and I was good to go. That VeriFly confirmation was all that was needed to check-in at Boston Logan International Airport.

On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, two unseeded women, both born after 11th September 2001, faced off in the US Open grand-slam final. Britain, and the world, had a new sporting superstar in Emma Raducanu.

At the end of the month, I flew to Corfu, Greece for a week-long get-away with three girlfriends, inclusive of a day-trip to Albania, for good measure.


COVID-19 border rules in England changed on 4th October, to create a 'new, clearer travel system'. The traffic light system was replaced with a single red list and simplified travel measures were streamlined for those of us who completed our full vaccination cycle. A pre-departure test to re-enter the UK also became no longer necessary for doubled-dosed persons. Further changes took place on 24th October, allowing a private lateral flow test to be taken on/before day 2, rather than a more expensive PCR test.

The petrol crisis in the UK, was not actually a shortage of fuel so much as a lack of drivers to deliver it. In the wake of Brexit, and as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, supply-chains were disrupted for a range of products, including poultry, soft drinks, beer, medicines, milk, fuel and pork.

Facebook suffered a global outage, rendering all services (including Instagram and WhatsApp) unusable for nearly six hours. The social network blamed a faulty internal configuration issue.

It had been two years since I suffered from a common head cold. All the eating outdoors, hand washing and being germ conscious turned out to be a perk.

I spent five days in Sicily's second largest city, Catania, exploring volcanoes and gorges, eating all the pasta, drinking all the prosecco and catching a few rays of sunshine!


I was lucky enough to be able to make it back to the US for my favorite holiday of the year - Thanksgiving! I flew into Philadelphia the weekend prior, then took the train to Connecticut and finally ended up in Boston, MA, all in 12 days. It was wonderful to have so much family time and to catch up with friends I hadn't seen in several years!


I landed back in London, from Boston, at 6am on my 41st birthday! I went straight out to Bristol, UK for a celebratory birthday weekend, after a quick stop at a COVID testing center, for a rapid PCR test (the Omicron variant had emerged whilst I was in the US and the UK's COVID travel rules had changed yet again).

The next few weeks were spent endlessly eating and drinking, for my birthday and other festive gatherings. London had never looked more glorious, with all its halls decked out with boughs of holly (and lights and decorations).

In addition to old travel restrictions being re-imposed, in an attempt to combat the Omicron variant, other guidelines around working safely and face coverings were also put in place. Mounting public fury over the rules consistently being disobeyed by those making them meant that people were hesitant to abide though.

On Boxing Day, I flew to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, Spain. The highlight of this island was by far Popcorn Beach, where the 'sand' was actually small white, algae fossils that looked like puffy popcorn!

From Fuerteventura, I ferried over to Lanzarote to ring in the New Year. I also go to check out some volcanoes whilst I was there, and dine in a volcanic tube, which was pretty cool.

The year ended with global cases in the ballpark of 293 million (up 206 million from the start of 2021), and just shy of 5.4 million worldwide deaths (up 3.5 million).

This year may not have brought an immediate end to the coronavirus pandemic, but it brought a renewed sense of hope and taught us that nothing is ever certain. Hoperfully year three of COVID will be our best one yet, filled with memorable adventures, big and small!


  • Trips: 10 (23 in 2019; 8 in 2020)

  • Air Miles Flown: 25,405 (83,789 in 2019; 25,269 in 2020)

  • Airline Segments Flown: 12 (48 in 2019; 18 in 2020)

  • Airlines Flown: 4 (14 in 2019; 5 in 2020)

  • Amount of Time Spent in the Air: 55 hours (183 hours in 2019; 57 hours in 2020)

  • Total Countries Visited: 6 (17 in 2019; 6 in 2020)

  • New Countries Visited (blue bubbles below): 1 (9 in 2019; 0 in 2020)

  • Continents Visited: 2 (North America & Europe)

  • Nights Spent in a Hotel/Airbnb: 25 (67 in 2019; 35 in 2020)

  • Travel COVID Tests Taken: 10


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